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Festival Podcasts

Ideas, inspiration - creating space and opportunity for you have conversation with key ideas and speakers at your own leisure.  Here you will find why we run the Bay Health Festival, our latest episode and all previous episodes. We hope that you enjoy and share.  Happy listening!


Introducing the Lost Art of Living.

Want to know what we are all about?  Nigel Thompson from Morecambe Bay Podcasts talks to the founder of Bay Health Festivals, Ian Dewar, and asks; what is The Lost Art of Living and why is it so important for living in the future?

Want to improve your business?


Every business exists to improve its bottom line.  Traditionally that's been seen as an accounting and economic function.  But what if you could improve the productivity of your business, manage your costs better and sustain your future by investing in the health and wellbeing of your employees?  Ian Dewar, founder of the Bay Health Festivals and co-presenter of 'When Life Gives you Lemons' goes in search of a different way of doing business in the Bay.


Our Latest Episode

All episodes

Art and Anatomy

Philip Ferguson Jones (4).JPG

From his attic studio overlooking Lancaster, a specialist artist is producing work that has helped us all.

From the simple to the complex; from information leaflets to cutting edge research, Philip Ferguson Jones has over 20 years’ experience as a medical artist.

Medical art can help break down complex medical concepts and provide an easy and engaging way to learn.

Philip’s now a leading figure in this specialist industry yet his involvement was down to chance.

Nigel Thompson spent an afternoon watching him at work:

Podcasts | The Bay Health Festivals


The Century of the Mind

How powerful is your mind?  Is your mind in prison or free?  What simple changes could be made that might make you a new person or build a new community?  In this fascinating interview, neuroscientist Ian Robetson gives us an insight in to where the research is taking us.  For a full bio of Ian


Love has its Scars

When your loved one dies of Covid 19 and you cannot grieve as normal, what do you do?  When that loved one is a frontline worker and a well known figure, what challenges does that present?  In April 2020, Simon Guest, radiographer at Furness General Hospital died of Covid 19 and it made the news.  In this thoughtful and poignant interview, his widow Nicky Guest speaks of her journey since that fateful day and how she has found a path of healing.  She offers her story to encourage others to share theirs.

Nicky Guest is a Person Centred and Rapid Transformational Therapist, with over 18 years’ experience working within the mental health field. 

The Art of Anatomy

Recorded before a live audience of invited guests from local 6th forms, this podcast looks at two key organs of the body and explore their implications for our health and well being.

Professor Adam Taylor from Lancaster University is Director of the Clinical Anatomy Learning Centre & Professor in Anatomy.  He has local, national and international experience in public engagement and has researched the impact of knowledge of anatomy with public health and wellbeing.  Listen and be amazed! 



Exploring the health festivals

Nigel Thompson visits the 2023 Bay Health Festivals events in Lancaster and Kendal to learn more about the ways we inspire people to live healthier lives and connect the organisations working to improve public health in north Lancashire and south Cumbria.


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Growing in Mind

As many gardens and allotments are put to bed for the winter a group in Barrow are busy planning how to make the most of their land next year.

Mind in Furness are cultivating a disused allotment in Vickerstown. The aim is for it to not only produce fresh fruit and veg for the area but also offer care for those whose mental health needs nurturing.

As the Bay Health Festivals Nigel Thompson reports from Walney Island, the charity already has a strong track record in using horticulture to improving health:

Mind in Furness for Bay Health Festivals​


Mind how you go. Looking after your mental health throughout the winter

We’ve just experienced the highs of the festive season and for many January is a tough month to get through. Dark days, bills to pay – it can feel like the winter month lasts a lot longer than others!


If you find the colder months hard on your mental health, it’s a good idea to think about simple ways you can help look after your health now.


Gemma Wright is a practice development nurse for Lancashire and South Cumbria NHS Foundation Trust and shares this insight and top tips with the Bay Health Festivals.


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